Day 2
Read Ephesians 2: 8-10
Let’s work backward through this passage: God created us and gifted us to do good works, but God’s saving grace and purposes come alive in our lives not on our own merits, but by HIS grace demonstrated THROUGH JESUS WHEN we believe Jesus’ atonement, know we needed and daily God’s forgiveness, repent, and receive God’s lavish gift of grace. Grace – God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense – means Jesus took the punishment I deserved, and you deserved, and freely gave me and you right relationship with our Creator Heavenly Father WHEN you and I admit we’ve blown it and desperately need the complete forgiveness only the sacrifice of Jesus purchased for us. Jesus’ death on the Cross was and will always be the greatest, undeserved, grace-lavished upon us gift we could ever receive. Salvation’s gift is purposeful leading us to become and live who God created us to be.
Seeing God’s loving grace freely offered to you, with only your repentance and glad believing required, what will you choose to believe, receive, and live out of today?
Tell God: Thank you, lavishly loving Father God, for ALL you longingly desire to give me. Listen for God’s reply.