Day 20
Read John 13:1-17
Jesus was a servant. As Jesus lives His life in me, I will serve others also. John 13 provides us with a vivid and touching picture of true servanthood. In the Jewsih culture, the task of washing feet was such a meaningless task that Jewish servants were not required to carry it out. Only non-Jewish servants were expected to stoop to this level of humiliation. The disciples likely considered the task someone else’s responsibility and, thus, the task went undone. They were too busy arguing about who was the greatest. As an expression of His infinite love, the God of the universe took a towel and the basin, and washed the filth of the world from the feet of His disciples. In verse 14 He said, “The Lord, has washed your you go and do the same.”
What areas of service do you shy away from because it is someone else’s responsibility?
Whose feet may God be calling you to wash by performing a timely act of service?