Day 3
Read Hebrews 12:5-11
When Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, He cried out to God “ABBA,” which is better translated in English as, Daddy. God is no longer looked at as a distant king on a throne, or a God that cannot be seen. No, God is our Daddy! This denotes intimacy and love. This is the image that the writer of Hebrews is trying to convey when he talks about the discipline God, or Daddy, gives to us. In our scripture reading, the writer reinforces our relationship as sons and daughters as a way of understanding how we ought to respond to this discipline. Our Daddy loves us! And He corrects us (disciplines) us because He loves us. Behind this love is the reality that God is all powerful and all knowing. These two truths are behind what the discipline God gives to us. It is wonderful knowing that we are disciplined by this kind of Dad. Know that our Daddy is perfect! He loves us perfectly, and yes…He disciplines us perfectly.
If this is the way God disciplines you, how should this change the way you respond to his discipline?