Jesus Follower

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Day 29

1 Peter 4:9
“Be hospitable to one another without complaint."
Hospitality from a neighbor conveys community. There is something special in receiving hospitality when you move into a new neighborhood. How much more should we show hospitality to our spiritual family? There are times when we have needs, and those are times when your small group can rally around you. The need may be as simple as providing some groceries for a family, or opening your home for dinner, or something else, but doing it all without complaining. To use your house as a resource rather than a refuge as you host a small group is a very big deal in the Kingdom. You will find that such acts of hospitality open the door to authentic relationships and express the love of Christ.
What opportunities do you have around you to extend hospitality to others?
Are any of those opportunities ones that only pertain to you, and, if so, how can you meet them?
Finally, what are some ways that your small group can assist someone in need?
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DAY 26

Galatians  6:2
"Bear one another's burdens and thereby fulfill the law of Christ." 
Did you know that two horses can pull three times what one horse can pull alone? Carrying a burden is, well, burdensome. But when a burden is spread so that others can help in carrying it, that burden becomes more manageable, and, in fact, lighter. The same concept is being taught in this verse. In fact, when we carry the burdens of another, we actually live like Jesus did, and complete the picture of why He came in the first place.
Are you carrying a burden alone? Are you carrying someone else's burden? God has given us each other so that we don't have to face life alone. Carry someone's burden with them, or voice to another a burden you have today.
What hinders you from bearing the burdens of others?
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