“In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us.”
It’s such an amazing truth that God loves us even if at times we haven’t loved him. Even though this is true, God still wants to have a relationship with us. How many people would you love even though they may not love you? God loves all people even if they do not give Him the respect, honor and time He deserves. It’s pretty amazing to think of God in this way, but that is the truth. God loves us, and gave His son, Jesus Christ for us. Not only does He love us, but God wants us to know him. Just like in any relationship, to know God will require time with Him. You are taking time right now to spend with Him, and this is the most important thing you will do today! Sometimes the sin in our lives or even our lack of time spent with God can make us feel like God is distant. At those times, do not drift and give up meeting with God. If God seems distant, it isn’t because He moved. Come close to God, confess your sins before Him, and know that God desires you to always be right in step with Him. The Bible says God is at work in everyone’s life. “So that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.” (Acts 17:27)
What do you want to tell God today in light of these wonderful verses from Him?
Have you felt distant from Him? Tell God why you think that is, and confess it to Him. He is faithful to forgive you. He wants nothing to come between you and Him.