Day 5
Luke 10:38-42
“...but one thing is necessary.” These words are said in this passage and they are spoken by Jesus Christ our Lord. If Jesus Christ is saying something is ‘necessary’ then I want to pay attention and find out what He is referring to! When we read these verses we see that Jesus is referring to Mary. Verse 39 says “...Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet…”
With all the things we have in our life, from our job, hobbies, or where we serve in the church, Jesus tells us that there is only one thing that is necessary and that is for us to “sit at the Lord’s feet”. For us to listen to His teaching and spend time with Him. For us that means sitting alone with Him and reading His word and praying to Him.
Read this passage and ask yourself if you are doing what is necessary in your life or if you are filling your time with other things that distract you from sitting at the Lord’s feet?