Jesus Follower

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Day 7

Read Psalms 5:3

Mornings…., some people love them and some people hate them, but each day has one. The sun always rises. Mornings show us that God is faithful. God is in control and morning always come. This passage in Psalms 5:3 teaches us what our mindset should be each morning. Each morning we should talk to God. We can tell him we are thankful for all that he does. Each morning we can worship. The best way we can worship is by giving God our day. When you talk to God, tell him that your life today is for him and ask him to use you today for his Glory. Then, as you go throughout your day, be looking for opportunities to serve God! 

Is God a part of your morning routine? If so, great! If not, tomorrow is a great time to start! 

Take a moment now and pray about today. Ask God to use you today and to help you see the opportunities he gives.


Day 6

John 15:7

"If you abide in me and My words abide in you, whatever you wish will be done fo you."

It is impossible to follow Jesus and not talk with Him. Prayer is a relationship, not a religious activity. It is a two-way conversation. The ear of God is attentive to the prayers of His children. He listens. He also speaks to us in prayer. In fact, what God says in prayer is much more important than what we say.  To pray in Jesus name means to pray consistently with His character and according to His will. We know His character and will through the Bible. In John 15:7, Jesus says, " words abide in you....ask". The Bible and payer go hand in hand.

Take time each day to open your Bible and read God's words to you. There are so many reading plans but a simple one would be at the minimum read a chapter in Proverbs a day. There are enough chapters in Proverbs to match every day in the longest month.

Is your prayer life communion with God or merely a religious exercise? 

Do you spend more time listening or talking in prayer?



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